We are glad to welcome you to our website. Welcome to ShefaBrook Ministries, which is based in the vibrant city of Townsville, in the gorgeous dry tropics of North Queensland. We’ve made this city our home base since our relocation in 2016, kindling our love for ministry in this lively town.
Prior to the global epidemic, our dynamic team, David and Anne, began on an adventurous journey across South-East Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, and Sri Lanka, conveying the message of faith and hope. Our ministry, however, evolved with the times. We shifted our focus to training and equipping believers for effective ministry, sharing enlightened knowledge about personal evangelism, and operating in the Holy Spirit’s Gifts.
In these changing times, we are devoted to reaching out to people who are hungry for the “Good News of the Gospel” and to encouraging believers all across the world. Our impactful courses and sermons have been delivered in-person and online, extending our influence to Africa, North America, and the Middle East.
We encourage spiritual growth and community at ShefaBrook Ministries. We cordially invite you to our engaging Sunday night service, which is hosted in the inviting area of Garbutt, right here in Townsville. Visit our evolving Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/ShefaBrookMinistries to stay up to date on our meetings.
We are only an email away if you need to contact us! Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions. You can also reach us using WhatsApp at +61448 769 154. We’re thrilled to meet you and accompany you on your spiritual journey.
Thank you for stopping by today. Let us plunge deep into our faith, embrace personal progress, and reflect the light of the Gospel wherever we go.
“Leading people to belief in the Lord Jesus, so they are assured of eternal salvation, should be the primary focus of every Christian. Our passion is to equip believers for evangelism.”
David and Anne Velu: Your Doorway to Empowerment!
Are you prepared to realise your greatest potential? Look no further than David and Anne Velu, renowned online and in-person equippers of people looking to minister to others. You can explore into fascinating areas like Evangelism, Hearing from God, Prophecy Activation, Deliverance, Inner Healing, and Operating in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit with their broad experience and engaging courses.
David and Anne Velu, as seasoned Evangelists, Teachers, Prophets and Pastors, have a wealth of wisdom gathered from their active involvement in street ministry around Australia and Malaysia for over twenty-five years. Their practical experience has sharpened their own gifts and anointings, making them leading mentors in their callings.
Reaching out to the unsaved is more than just a mission for David and Anne everywhere they go. Their constant commitment guarantees that believers throughout Australia and abroad are equipped. They can now engage in vibrant personal evangelism in the modern world thanks to the power of Zoom.
Don’t pass up this opportunity to embark on a revolutionary adventure with David and Anne Velu. Provide yourself with the necessary tools and information to succeed in personal evangelism. Join their powerful courses today and become a lighthouse in an ever-changing world.
To get in touch with us, we’re just an email away! Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]. You can also contact us via WhatsApp at +61448 769 154. We’re excited to connect with you and support you on your spiritual journey.
Thank you for visiting us today. Together, let’s delve into the depths of faith, embrace personal growth, and shine the light of the Gospel wherever we go.
2018 – God Loves the Unloved & Unlovable – A Word from Pastor David Velu
Genesis 29:31-35 When the LORD saw that Leah was not loved, he enabled her to conceive, but Rachel remained childless. Leah became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Reuben, for she said, “It is because the LORD has seen my misery. Surely my husband will love me now.” She conceived again, and when she gave birth to a son she said, “Because the LORD heard that I am not loved, he gave me this one too.” So she named him Simeon. Again she conceived, and when she gave birth to a son she said, “Now, at last, my husband will become attached to me, because I have borne him three sons.” So he was named Levi. She conceived again, and when she gave birth to a son she said, “This time I will praise the LORD.” So she named him Judah. Then she stopped having children.
This is the season of going out to seek those who are unloved and show them God’s love. God saw that Leah was unloved and gave her children, four sons and then further children. The Lord our God is a compassionate God who reaches out to the unloved.
When Jesus came He also reached out to the unloved, like the tax collectors in Israel.
The Lord has given me this message for 2018. That this is the year of reaching out to the unloved. There are many unloved in our society. Our Lord says, “show love to drug users”. He says, “show love to the alcoholics”, a lot of those who are drug takers and alcoholics are homeless so “show love to the homeless”. He says, “show love to the marginalised that the wider community has ignored”. “Show love to the single mothers”, some who have children from several partners and are struggling with life and are all on their own with no support. God says, “reach out to the unloved ones in old age homes, whose children have deserted them”.
God says. “reach out to the unloved in your community”. Every community has different groups that are crying out for help. Spend time in prayer and ask the Lord which group you should try to reach in your community.
Reach out and show them the compassion that Jesus had for the multitudes. (Matthew 9:36a But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them). Jesus was moved with compassion. He wants us to show the same love and to be moved with compassion for their plight.
Most importantly, bring them into the kingdom. Bring them into one sheepfold as Jesus declared. (John 10:16 And other sheep which I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring and they will hear My voice; there will be one flock and one shepherd.)
This is the year reach out, show love to the unloved and bring them into the sheepfold of Jesus. May the Lord bless you and give you a clear understanding of the path He has for you in 2018.
Are You A Sheep or a Goat? Message from Pastor Anne Velu 2018
I spent time with the Lord, seeking what He would have me share with you for 2018 and the answer I got was “Are you a sheep or a goat?”
This sent me back to my Bible to study the ramifications of that question. It is a question that we all need to ask ourselves as we go forward into this New Year. I feel in my spirit that this question will be asked of all Christians this year, starting with the leaders of churches and ministries worldwide. This is the year when we need to step up and become true sheep of the one true shepherd. Jesus is our true shepherd.
As we read Matthew 25:32 – 34 we know that everyone will appear before Jesus when He comes. Matthew 25:31-34New King James Version (NKJV)
31 “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. 32 All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. 33 And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. 34 Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:”
What makes you a sheep or makes you a goat? The key here is to start studying what Jesus has to say in Matthew 22:37-39. Love of God and love towards your neighbour determines whether you are a sheep or a goat. He divides them as He sees them. Sheep on His right hand or his hand of mercy, and the goats on his left hand, his hand of judgment.
Jesus goes on to say how the division was made between sheep and goats and the criteria are based on our responses to the cries of human need around us. When we hear that cry and respond out of love, we are hearing the cry of our Lord and responding out of love to Him, because He first loved us. We are sheep people, or Jesus people when we reflect love His love. We are goat people or people who do not love when we hoard the love of Jesus selfishly in our hearts.
Keep reading and studying the Word, read and meditate on what Jesus is telling us in the scripture, just as he told his disciples on the Mount of Olives. Time is short, be ready, be watchful, show compassion and love to all. Jesus will return and only love, the kind Jesus has for us, when we show it to others, will make you one of his sheep.
I pray that those reading this will be mightily used by our Lord Jesus in this year, 2018. Bless you.
2016 What Does God Need From His People?
Many of the Lord’s Prophetic Peoples have written about what God has for His People in 2016, here at Shefabrook we look towards 2016 differently. We sought from the Lord what it is He wants from his people during this year.
From Pastor David Velu
2016 is a year of increase. God is looking for an increase in the harvest. This is nothing new. The Bible says this already. What is new is that this year, the Lord wants an extraordinary increase. To realize the increase, in 2016, He is ready to pour out His ability and His gifts into His people. He wants to increase you. Not just the shepherds but all the sheep. The Lord wants to.
He is saying, “ Are you hungry enough to witness Me to those you meet? Are you hungry enough to talk to strangers in the byways? Are you hungry enough to be a fool for Christ? Are you hungry enough to receive My increase of you? If you are, then I shall pour out My Spirit upon you. I will give you My ability and My gifts. I will give you the anointing and the boldness. And I will bless you as you step out.”
As God equips those who are hungry, there will be an increase in the harvest. And the saints will remain equipped and filled not just in 2016 but for the season to come as well. The gifts and calling of God are irrevocable.
Are you hungry? Are you willing? Are you open to what God wants you to receive and to do? Are you ready to be increased?
I leave you with this Scripture:
1 Corinthians 3:6 “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.”
From Pastor Anne Velu
Whenever my husband and I are traveling and ministering I feel we have more time for the Lord. The minute we step back into our lives in Australia it is as if Jesus has to take a backseat, not in my husband’s life, rather more so in mine. So many of us allow the urgent family matters and day-to-day activities to take first place in our lives. As a mother and grandmother of so many, often times I am completely overwhelmed by these activities. So it is midway through January before I can sit down and write what I have from the Lord for 2016. I hope this Word will bring comfort, exhortation and blessings into your life as it has in mine.
This is what the Lord has impressed upon me for this coming season:
Job 5:17 “Behold, happy is the man whom God corrects: therefore despise not the chastening of the Almighty:”
“To receive what I have for you in this season first you need to sweep your houses clean. Examine yourselves and see where you have fallen away from me. Where you have left your first love and turned to works. This is a season of quickening, a time to turn away from sin, a time to turn towards Me. The blessings and gifts I have for My children are many. This is a season where I am calling you to be Holy, as I am Holy. Many will be looking at you, many who are yet to come into the Kingdom and this seasons Harvest will come when they see My People showing My Love to all and are seen to be living the Word.”
What we can do for God in this Season of 2016 is to understand how His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering towards us has helped us on our journey to repentance and when we show these attributes of God to those around us who are not yet in God’s Kingdom, this will help them on their journey. The Word also tells us in Acts 3:19 that as we repent and our sins are blotted out we will be lead into a time of refreshing with the Lord.
I urge you all to seek the Lord for words for your own journey. Remember, God wants what is His best for us, so we need to attempt to give of our best for Him.